
Before using the onnody.com  site, please read the following site terms of use. All visitors and members who use the site in any way will be deemed to have accepted to comply with the terms on this page. If you do not accept the terms, please do not use the site. The term “User” used in this text refers to any natural and legal person who uses the site in any way with or without logging in.

– The terms of use on this page can be changed unilaterally by us at any time, provided that the changes are clearly stated on this page. Users will be deemed to have accepted the terms published on this page unconditionally.

– The copyright of all information contained in this site belongs to onnody.com  and is under legal protection under the Law on Intellectual and Artistic Works and relevant international legislation. Unauthorized collective downloading, recording, reproduction, processing and publication of the content of the site, and attempts to do so are prohibited. It has the right to initiate legal action against the Users it determines to engage in such activities.

– Users are obliged not to violate the legal rights of third parties while using any content or communication system of onnody.com It does not accept any legal and penal responsibility for such violations and any legal and penal responsibility that may arise from such violations belongs exclusively to the User.

– The person who wrote all kinds of articles or comments on the site is responsible. Users are responsible for their own comments and shares. The user who wrote the comment is fully responsible for any legal problems that may arise due to slang words, comments violating personal or corporate rights, defamatory comments, unproven statements in the comments made.

– The IP address of all visitors who comment on onnody.com is recorded. If requested by the judicial authorities, the IP addresses will be shared with the authorities.

– Any behavior or action aimed at rendering the site inoperable, slowing it down significantly or damaging the software and hardware systems is prohibited. Making a large number of inquiries or membership registrations using automatic programs or sending a large number of requests or information to the site by automatic methods are also included in this prohibition. We declare that we will prevent users from accessing the site and initiate legal action if we detect such activities.

– Information on the site cannot be shared without showing the source. People who will cite or reference must give the link to the page where they obtained the information directly.

– Your username and password are yours only. More than one person cannot use a membership. All transactions made using the username and password will be deemed to have been made by the relevant member unless proven otherwise.

– The information given in the membership form is considered correct. Any responsibility arising from the inaccuracy of the information belongs to the member.

– It is forbidden to make many manual or automatic clicks on the advertisements and promotional texts published on the site, except for the purpose of obtaining information. We declare that we will prevent users from accessing the site and initiate legal action if they are found to engage in such click activities that do not comply with a normal User behavior.
